Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

There is no greater devotion than patriotism and no interest greater than national interest: PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the National Cadet Corps rally at Cariappa Ground in Delhi on January 28. In his address, PM Modi said that at this time the country is celebrating the Amrit Mahotsav of its independence. When a young nation witnesses such an occasion, there is a different enthusiasm in its celebration, I saw the same enthusiasm at Cariappa Ground. Modi said that the work done in the Amrit Mahotsav of independence should continue to be done in future also, it is the responsibility of the youth.

He said that you have to take the country forward with pride till 2047. During his address, the PM said that your resolve, the fulfillment of those resolutions, will be the accomplishment of India, India will be successful. He said that there is no greater devotion than patriotism, there is no greater interest than national interest. Keeping the country paramount, whatever you do, it will help in the development of the country. Today, our youth have made India one of the top three startups in the world. How many unicorns have been made in this crisis of Corona?

During his address, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that today when the country is moving ahead with new resolutions, then our efforts are also going on to strengthen the NCC in the country. For this a high level review committee has been set up in the country. In the last two years, we have created 1 lakh new cadets in the border areas of the country. He said that he is happy that the use of modern technology like simulation is also increasing in the training of NCC cadets.

PM Modi said that the strength should be such that even the most difficult situation can be faced with laughter and boldness. Today Maa Bharti is giving this call to the youth of India. He said that the coming 25 years of Amrit Kaal is the tide of patriotism. And the challenge today is not whether anyone in the world will accept it or not. Today it is of importance that when the world is looking at India with so much hope, with so much confidence,

The country has shown its social power to the world, this period of Corona has shown the whole world the discipline of us Indians, the social power of us Indians. When the whole country united to fight against Corona during Janata Curfew, the whole world was stunned. Some people curse our society, but this society has shown that when it comes to the country, nothing is more important than that. The campaigns which have been started, they should continue to get new energy, its huge responsibility lies on the new soldiers.