Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

Grain crisis prevailing in China!

The Communist Party of China is constantly writing new dimensions. After grabbing the rights of the people, now the CCP has started grabbing the food too. The authoritarian party of China is sitting on the grain of the people with a horoscope. According to the report, China is involved in hoarding of food grains. China has managed to store less than 20% of the world’s population, more than half of the world’s corn and other grains. According to data from the US Department of Agriculture, China has the world’s maize reserves in the first half of the year 2022. 69% of rice, 60% of rice and 51% of wheat. According to Qin Yuyun, head of grain reserves at China’s National Food and Strategic Stores Administration, “Our wheat reserves can meet the demand for a year and a half . There is no problem with the supply of food.”

Between January and September 2021, China imported more food than at least 2016 according to the Nikkei Asia report. In the past five years, China’s imports of soybeans, corn and wheat increased two to twelve times. Imports of beef, pork, dairy and fruits increased two to five times. It is worth noting here that no one in China wants to be a farmer. The soil is becoming toxic, and returns are low. Additionally, people from rural China are migrating to urban centers in search of better livelihoods. The production of wheat and other provisions in China has been stuck at a level since 2015. Goro Takahashi, Professor Emeritus at Aichi University and expert on Chinese agriculture, said about the health of China’s agricultural sector, “Agriculture in China Productivity is low due to the spread of agricultural land and soil contamination. The quantum of agricultural production will continue to stagnate as farmers are migrating to urban areas.”

China can no longer produce food grains domestically to meet the growing demands of the country. Things get worse when Chinese citizens want high quality food products. One thing we know about China is that it cannot produce high quality goods, let alone food. Everything in China is of cheap quality. Therefore, to ease its food crisis, China is importing large quantities of food grains, and hoarding them. Due to this, there is also a huge jump in the global prices of grains. China is facing a deep food crisis. It was only in November that we told you how the Chinese government issued a new directive asking its citizens to store as much food as possible. The Xi Jinping administration is looking to cut down on the amount of food wasted in Chinese homes.

Vegetable prices have increased in China. Prices of cucumbers, spinach and broccoli more than doubled from the beginning of October to last month. Spinach was more expensive than pork, with $2.60 per kilogram in an important trading center of Shandong. According to commerce ministry data, wholesale vegetable prices rose 28% in the four weeks ended October 22 and are at their highest level since February. Now China is in panic. The truth of CCP has been exposed to the people. China’s agricultural land is becoming barren, and the world may soon stop exporting food to China. For this reason, CCP has now become CGHP i.e. China Grain Hoarding Party. What do you think will happen once China runs out of grain, and it is unable to procure grain?