Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

In 2018, Congress had demanded to link Voter ID with Aadhaar, now protesting in Parliament

Congress is continuously doing hypocrisy in the name of politics. The latest case is of the bill linking voter ID with Aadhaar. Congress is opposing it in Parliament. He says that with this the government will collect all the information about the people and their privacy will be violated, but in the year 2018, the same Congress itself had demanded from the Election Commission that voter ID should be linked to Aadhaar card to prevent fake voting etc. Go. We tell you the whole truth of this hypocritical behavior of Congress.

The case is of Madhya Pradesh. On 10 April 2018, a Congress party reached the State Election Commission. Then the assembly elections were going to be held in Madhya Pradesh. Congress had submitted a memorandum to the State Election Commission. There were many demands in it. One of these demands was the linking of voter ID with Aadhaar. Even in an all-party meeting in Delhi on August 27, 2018, the Congress and all the parties opposing the bill had demanded from the Election Commission that the voter ID should be linked with Aadhaar, so that fake voting could not take place.

Ravi Saxena, who was the spokesperson of the State Congress at that time, had told the media after giving the demand letter to the Election Commission that 7 lakh fake voters have been caught. He had then said that there are 70 to 80 thousand fake voters in every assembly seat. He had demanded linking of voter ID with Aadhaar to weed out these fake voters. Giving the example of Bhopal’s Narela seat, he said that in the last assembly of 2013, there were 2 lakh voters, whereas, now the voters have become 3 lakh. Ravi Saxena had raised the question that how did so many voters increase in 5 years?

Congress is now behaving hypocritically and has geared up to not allow law to be made in Parliament. He says that the government will violate the privacy of people by linking voter ID with Aadhaar. At the same time, the government says that this allegation of Congress and some opposition parties is baseless. Because the rule of linking Aadhar and Voter ID is optional. If people want, add your ID and if you don’t want to, don’t.